Amanda Bell

Making it in Makeup at The Session School

Recently I attended a super-useful workshop at The Session School called Making it in Makeup. It is aimed at people just like me, who have done the makeup training and now need to launch their careers. This can be a really daunting thing, and even more so if you have moved countries and left behind all your old contacts like I have.

Firstly, the vibe of The Session School and everyone who trains there is just so relaxed and welcoming. I was rather looking forward to the day and to the chance of catching up with Dani Guinsberg (founder), Karena Callen and Amanda Bell. 

Some of my recent work after graduating from The Session School

Some of my recent work after graduating from The Session School

Karena took the morning session where we covered all aspects of social media and how to get yourself set up professionally on all these platforms. We were given tips on how best to use Twitter, how to set up a Facebook business page and tips on writing blogs (which I hope you will agree I have been using successfully!). I feel fairly confident on the social media end of things, but one of the main benefits I got from the morning session was how to approach agencies, beauty companies and magazines for work. 

In the afternoon Amanda took us through the business end of things, including tax, national insurance, how to invoice and expenses. I really needed this. I barely have my head around the Australian tax system, so to be embarking on freelance work in the UK is tough. 

Some more recent work

Some more recent work

Since the workshop I have been slowly adapting the things I learnt in the way I look for work. I am now keeping a close eye on my out-goings and feel like i'm starting 2014 off on a very organised and methodical footing. If you are a recently graduated MUA looking for some business nous then this workshop is just what you need. You can contact The Session School here.